Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Some Informations

With out going too much into my life’s story I will explain where it is I come from and what
purpose, I hope, this book will have in your own Forex trading career.
At the time of writing this book I am 28 years old, recently moved from the UK to Johannesburg
and have been trading forex full time for 1 year. Before becoming a full time forex trader I worked
for 6 years as a software installation engineer for an IBM business partner in the UK. It was
during this time I discovered forex and put every spare second of my time into learning how to
trade. I became so obsessed with trading and so bored with my computer job; my then boss
offered me a redundancy package.
I am sure anyone who has left a regular monthly salary to follow a dream of independence can
tell you there are a few emotions involved, as there are with most types of change. At the end of
the day I think I was as relieved to be leaving my job as my company were to see me go.
Throughout my early life I was made well aware of the amount of stress and hardship that can
result from having to slave your life away for a salary you are barely able to support yourself with.
As soon as I was able to work I got a job in computers, it was easy fast cash and there was no
way I was doing a three to five year university degree in how not to have money.
From the time I started working it was always my intention to work hard for a few years, save my
money and then live off the interest, (such a great idea, but so naïve). As soon as I had some
money saved I began looking on the internet for investments that would let me retire within 5
years. I believe I must have thrown away $30,000 - $40,000 to crooks basically; there is not other
word for them. Stupid I know, but my belief in this was so strong I failed to see why these
investments would not work; this same strong belief has kept me going with this whole forex thing
despite that fact I did not make a cent for many years.
This brings me to the purpose of this book. In my early 20’s, I had some money, I was working as
an IT consultant, I had no formal education other than high school and I dedicated my entire
personnel life, for many years, to learning to make money from the forex market. During the 6
years of my life I have spent on this I have been through the mill as regards online forex trading
and it is the purpose of this book to share my experiences with you so your experiences may be
better than mine.
I can tell you now the world of on line forex trading is full of sharks. Having experienced this I can
safely say I am an honest, easily fooled person, I just do not understand how some one can sell
lies for money or trick you out of your money; especially if they do it for a living. It just amazes me
what people are like when it comes to money, there are a number of phrases to describe these
people, (I would like to see what they put on their CVs). The first chapters of this book deal with
my experiences of these people. I have not mentioned names as having anything further to do
with these people is the last thing I want, if however you would like to know specifics please email
I can tell you now I know the tricks; I have spent $1000s on online e-books and forex trading
systems and alert services. I could quiet easily write an e-book called “Proven Forex System”
make up a load of BS and sell it for $100, this of course would be supported by a flashy website
and a bit of on line marketing, or even worst I could offer a managed account service and then
just tell you I lost your money.
I am not going to do any of these, (forex trading system, on line alert service, managed account
service), if you would like these I will recommend a number of providers who will be more than
happy to take your money. There is so much misinformation or inadequate information on the
internet, marketing and advertising of the forex market are 2nd to none, and they have made it so
easy for you to give your money to them.
This book is a subjective story of my experiences of dealing with all these on-line forex crooks
and eventually finding out what really works. I hope this book will guide you past the crooks and
direct you towards the real gurus, I hope it will show you what the forex market is really about and
what a real forex trader does. If you are expecting a cut and dry trading system, then this book is
for you, even though you are not going to get it. This book may totally change your ideas of what
you will need to do to be successful; this may in itself crush your dreams of ever making money
from forex. Do not worry it is possible to make money from forex and this will point you in the right

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